301 Redirects
The method of permanently directing visitors from one web page to another is referred to as a 301 Redirect. The link equity (ranking power) of the original page is given to the redirected page in the range of 90 to 99%. The HTTP status code for the type of redirect is denoted by the “301” sign. The browser is switched to another URL using this kind of code.
302 Redirects
The method of temporarily rerouting visitors from one website to another is referred to as a 302 Redirect. The HTTP status code for the type of redirect is “302,” as in. The browser is switched to another URL using this kind of code.
400 Bad Request
A perceived client fault causes the server to be unable to or unwilling to process the request (e.g., malformed request syntax, invalid request message framing, or deceptive request routing).
401 Unauthorized
Although “unauthorized” is specified in the HTTP standard, this answer actually indicates “unauthenticated.” In order to receive the specified response, the client must first verify themselves.
403 Forbidden
The server is refusing to provide the requested resource because the client does not have authorization to access the content. The client’s identity is known to the server, unlike 401 Unauthorized.
404 Not Found
The client is unauthorized and does not have access privileges to the material, hence the server won’t provide the requested resource. The server is aware of the client’s identity, unlike 401 Unauthorized.
500 Internal Server Error
The server has come upon a circumstance that it is unsure how to handle.
502 Bad Gateway
This error message indicates that the server received an incorrect response while acting as a gateway to handle the request.
503 Service Unavailable
The request cannot be handled by the server at this time. A server that is overloaded or down for maintenance are frequent causes. Be aware that a user-friendly page outlining the issue should be sent along with this reply. If possible, the Retry-After HTTP header should include the anticipated time before the service recovery, and this response should only be used in brief circumstances. Since these temporary condition answers shouldn’t typically be cached, the webmaster must also be aware of the caching-related headers that are sent along with this response.
Ad Extensions
Ad extensions are details that are added to a Google 
AdWords ad. 
The corporate address, callouts, prices, customer reviews, 
click-to-call, website connections, and app downloads 
are a few examples of this extra information. 
Longer ads are more visible on search results pages 
and often result in higher click-through rates.
Alt Text – Alternative Text
In HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), the term “alt text” refers to a textual complement to visual information. The inclusion of text in the HTML code for images gives website users with vision impairments information about the contents of the image.
Anchor Text
The clickable text within a hyperlink is referred to as anchor text. Google uses anchor text as a ranking indication in SEO techniques. The hyperlink gives context by connecting the display to another online document or website. Through hyperlink metadata, search engines and users can gather data on the link’s final destination.
Average Position
Google AdWords offers four top positions (1-4) that show up at the top of the search results pages. The term “average position” refers to a statistic that “describes how your ad normally ranks against other advertisements.” The search results page’s bottom half shows ads in positions 5 and up. Ad rank is used by Google to determine ad position. Google evaluates a marketer’s bid in addition to the quality of their keywords, ads, and landing pages. The higher the score, the higher the ad will appear in search results. Throughout the day, depending on high bids for the date and time, advertisements may change from position to position. Marketers can examine the typical position of their ads using Google AdWords Tools.
B2B Digital Marketing
Digital technologies and marketing tactics used to reach prospects and convert them into customers are referred to as B2B digital marketing. B2B digital marketing techniques enable marketers to concentrate on targeted, quantifiable, and engaging consumers (B2B is an acronym for “Business to Business”). Through various digital marketing strategies including social media marketing and digital content marketing, goods and services are advertised. This kind of marketing is thought to be successful at increasing brand recognition, consumer preference, and engagement. SEO, SEM, influencer marketing, content marketing, e-commerce marketing, data-driven marketing, campaign marketing, content automation, social media marketing, direct email marketing, social media optimization, eBooks, display advertising, optical discs, and games are some examples of B2B digital marketing techniques.
B2C Digital Marketing
B2C digital marketing, which stands for “business to consumer,” refers to the strategies and best practices that advertisers utilize to promote their goods and services to consumers. Online advertising can be done in a variety of methods, including blogging, banner advertising, and content marketing. B2C digital marketing helps companies connect with their target consumer markets.
A backlink is a connection to another website via a hyperlink. The two URLs are connected by an HTML Href Code. Google gives websites with quality backlinks a higher ranking. The idea is that websites with backlinks to well-known and reliable websites have a better chance of ranking. The backlinks increase a website’s Google authority. Incoming links, inbound links, in links, and inward links are other names for backlinks. The links lead to websites or web pages that are being visited.
Bing Advertising
Bing platform services are referred to as Bing advertising. On the search engines for Bing, MSN, and Yahoo!, the service offers pay per click advertising. On keywords and keyword phrases, marketers place bids. Advertisers can design advertising that highlight demographics, days and times, and specific geographic areas.
Bing Webmaster Tools
A free Bing service is referred to as Bing webmaster tools. Webmasters have the ability to add websites to the Bing index crawler using the service. To make searching easier, the tools are categorized. Each is intended to support marketers in their efforts to rank well on the Bing search sites. Signing up is required in order to use the service. One of the features is a personal marketer’s dashboard, which makes it simple to assess a site’s performance and pinpoint areas that require more attention. Through reporting, diagnostic, and alerting capabilities, the technologies give website owners a simpler approach to comprehend and assess site performance.
Black Hat SEO
An unethical digital marketer or SEO marketing techniques are referred to as “black hat SEO” and are used to boost a website’s ranking in the search engine results page. The tactic raises the rank of the unethical advertisement site(s) while lowering the rank of rival websites. Spammy techniques like article spinning, bulk directory link building, and negative SEO like bad reviews posted on a rival are employed. Hacking the websites of rival businesses is another kind of black hat SEO, which uses dishonest marketing strategies for personal advantage (better website status). Black hat approaches are SEO strategies that search engine providers like Google deem to be dishonest or against their rules.
Bounce Rate
A word used in digital marketing and web traffic research is bounce rate. The percentage of visitors that leave a website without interacting with it or reading other pages within it is measured by marketers using bounce rate. The length of time a visitor stays on the website is the calculation used to determine the bounce rate. The bounce rate gives marketers information about the efficiency of the website. A high bounce rate informs the marketer that the site’s visitors are not engaged or that the loading speed is poor. The bounce rate of a website can be calculated using the Google Analytics Report.
Brand Awareness
Brand awareness is the level of consumer recall and recognition of a brand and the items that are associated with it. Through a variety of advertising techniques, brand awareness of a company and the products it sells is developed. Brand awareness is crucial to corporate marketing strategies since it assesses consumers’ capacity to remember a brand. Consumer behaviour, advertising management, brand management, and strategy creation all heavily weigh brand awareness. Consumers won’t make a purchase unless they are familiar with the product category and the brand that belongs to that category.
Brand Equity
The worth of a brand name is referred to as brand equity. According to the idea of brand equity, a brand will create more revenue the more well-known its name is. A well-known brand name brings in greater revenue. Less commerce is generated by lesser known brand names. Customers connect brand quality and reputation. Trusted names frequently have well-known brand names. The brand name serves as the equity in this notion.
Brand Loyalty
Brand commitment and favorable consumer perceptions of a brand are referred to as brand loyalty. Brand loyalty is the faithfulness of a customer to a brand, its products, or a company, regardless of competition behavior or product changes. Consumer brand loyalty can be seen in a variety of ways, such as brand-related goods purchases and enthusiastic word-of-mouth promotion.
Buyer Persona
Buyer personas are fictional characters that marketers employ to represent various buyer kinds and situations. These fictional beings were developed using genuine data from leads and market research. Personas are used to represent real-world clients who might visit the website, buy a product, use the product, etc. Personas and market segmentation can be combined by marketers. Specific segments are represented by qualitative personas. Negative buyer personas can be developed and utilised to identify clients and clients that marketers would want to steer clear of.
Call To Action (CTA)
The phrase “call to action” is used in digital marketing. Marketers employ the CTA design to elicit a response from customers. CTA is a tool used by marketers to nudge customers into buying their products or services right away.
Canonical Element
An HTML element known as a canonical element or rel=canonical is used by webmasters to avoid concerns with duplicating content. A webpage’s HTML head is updated using the RFC 6596 code. The code warns Google crawlers when a page’s content is duplicated. The initial content of a web page is designated as the canonical (recommended) version, giving the webmaster credit for search engine optimization. In order to give the original source, website, or page SEO credit, duplicate content should link to the canonical source URL.
Chat Bot
A chat bot is a computer software that engages in discussions via text or audio. The term “chat bot” can also refer to an artificial conversational entity, a chatterbot, a talkbot, or a chatbot. Chat bots communicate with people via a variety of channels, such as chat windows on websites. Instant customer assistance or information gathering for consumers is the main goal of chat bots. The software is made to mimic human behaviour and reaction. The systems are simple yet highly advanced. Modern systems analyse natural language. Simple system scans keyword input and returns database responses that are pertinent to the keyword input.
Click Maps
A click map is a visual representation of where people click on websites. For instance, your website might be an online store for digital marketing that offers products and services. Product and service pages on the website are categorised. Your click map will keep track of which buttons, photos, texts, and other page elements users click on each individual page. A click map is created using several tools. Click maps make site data tracking for marketers easier to read and analyse. The tool used to create the click map will determine the format of the displayed data.
Click Through Rate (CTR)
The percentage of customers that click on an advertisement after viewing it is known as the click through rate. The CTR concept helps marketers better assess the efficacy of their adverts by dividing the number of ad clicks by the number of ad impressions (views). A lack of consumer appeal is shown by an advertisement that receives a lot of views but few clicks.
Competitive Analysis
Analysis of a business and its competitive environment is referred to as competitive analysis. Competitive analysis in digital marketing refers to the study of online rivals. Strengths and weaknesses of competitors are included in this analysis. Additionally, marketers can assess their own advantages and disadvantages. Demographics and consumer preferences in the marketplace, market business tactics for improving position, obstructions that prevent the marketer or business from entering new markets, and deterrents that stop customers and competitors from undermining the business’s position in the market are all factors to consider.
Content Marketing
Online content production and dissemination are referred to as content marketing. For instance, blogs, videos, and posts on social media. Content marketing does not overtly advertise a company because it is designed to inform users.
Content Upgrade
The term “content upgrade” describes more content that customers receive in exchange for their email address. Because the emails are not utilised for a mailing list, content improvements are regarded as special. They must supply requested information that is available through the website and is particular to a topic or issue that is particular to the site or a visitor’s interest.
Conversion Rate
The percentage of website visitors that complete a transaction is referred to as the conversion rate. The marketer’s predefined goal is the transaction. A predetermined objective could be a visitor information request or a purchase. For instance, if 100 customers view a website, 10 of them decide to buy it. 10% of conversions are made.
Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)
CRO stands for conversion rate optimization, a subset of digital marketing. The branch’s objective is to boost the conversion rates of web pages. The profitability of the page increases with the page’s conversion rate. Marketers employ tactics to control customer behaviour. Web design, marketing, and consumer psychology are merged. An AB test is used to compare the two versions’ CRO in order to discover which variation will result in higher conversion rates.
Cost Per Click (CPC)
The amount of money a marketer spends on a pay-per-click campaign is known as the cost per click (CPC). Pay per click advertisements can be shown on several search engine providers’ websites, including Google and Bing. Google’s ad service is called Google AdWords. Marketers must place bids on keywords and keyword phrases in Bing Advertising and Google AdWords. A certain cash amount is assigned to each keyword and keyword phrase. with highly sought-after keywords and keyword phrases.
Cost Per Thousand (CPM)
The term used in digital marketing is Cost Per Thousand (CPM), which is the Roman number for 1,000. To determine how much an online advertisement costs per 1,000 impressions, marketers utilize CPM. Impression is the quantity of times an advertisement appears on a web page. CPM can be used by marketers to place a bid on a keyword or set of keywords.
Customer Acquisition Cost
The costs incurred prior to a sale are referred to as customer acquisition costs. Calculating the real value of a customer is a crucial marketing metric. Client acquisition costs are used by marketers to calculate the proportion of resources that can be profitably invested in a customer.
Customer Acquisition Cost
The costs incurred prior to a sale are referred to as customer acquisition costs. Calculating the real value of a customer is a crucial marketing metric. Client acquisition costs are used by marketers to calculate the proportion of resources that can be profitably invested in a customer.
Customer Experience
Customer experience is the quality of the organization and relationships with customers during the course of a commercial or consumer relationship. The customer journey, the type of customer and business engagement (online, in-person, over the phone, etc.), and the customer environmental experience make up the encounter. When a customer has a great customer experience, they are happy with all of their interactions and encounters with the company.
Customer Experience
Customer experience is the quality of the organisation and relationships with customers during the course of a commercial or consumer relationship. The customer journey, the type of customer and business engagement (online, in-person, over the phone, etc.), and the customer environmental experience make up the encounter. When a customer has a great customer experience, they are happy with all of their interactions and encounters with the company.
Customer Lifecycle
Customer lifecycle relates to a customer’s consideration, purchase, use, and maintenance of brand, product, and/or service loyalty during the reach, acquisition, conversion, retention, and loyalty phases.
Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)
Customer lifetime value is a marketer’s forecast of the total future revenue attributable to a customer relationship. The prediction model is used by marketers, who may also examine data and information using advanced predictive analytics approaches. The CLV may be smart, accurate, and complex.
Customer Pain Point
A client pain point is a particular issue or problem that prospective customers of a firm are facing. The potential customer’s particular set of pain points is probably unique. Financial pain points, productivity pain points, process pain points, and support pain points are the four basic categories of pain points.
Demand Generation
Demand generation describes the targeted marketing initiatives used by an advertiser to raise consumer awareness of a brand, a product, or a service. In B2B, business-to-government, and B2C sales cycles, demand creation is frequently used. To build a strong foundation of programmes and an organized sales process, marketers reach out to consumers and businesses through a variety of marketing channels.
Digital Marketing
The term “digital marketing” is used to describe how marketing strategies are employed in conjunction with digital technology like the Internet. The phrase is used to refer to all types of online marketing, including SEO, CRO, PPC, blogging, web design, and content marketing. Digital marketing can also take the shape of online video advertising streaming.
Digital Marketing Advertising
Digital marketing advertising is a word that connects marketing and digital technologies. Digital marketing advertising is used by marketers to promote their brands, goods, and services. The phrase is most frequently used in reference to mobile and online marketing. Digital marketing is also frequently used to refer to digital marketing advertising.
Digital Marketing Attribution Models
Digital marketing attribution models describe how marketers track particular user actions that help them achieve their objectives. For instance, the procedures that precede a sale. Marketers categorise consumer behaviours and assign a value to each behaviour. Marketing professionals can more clearly see and comprehend consumer behaviour as well as the importance of the processes that lead to a sale.
Digital Marketing Channels
Search engines, websites, mobile applications, email, social media, and other digital advertising sources are referred to as digital marketing channels. The marketing of goods and services is done via digital technologies like the Internet. Marketing professionals may target customers, raise brand awareness, and boost sales via digital marketing methods.
Digital Marketing Dashboard
A digital marketing dashboard is a piece of software that gives marketers useful data about their online marketing endeavors. Diverse channels are used in digital marketing efforts. Dashboards emphasize lead generation statistics and advancement toward monthly objectives.
Digital Marketing Funnels
Five-stage consumer buying processes are referred to as digital marketing funnels. The five stages include exposure, discovery, consideration, conversion, and customer relationship-retention and loyalty for a brand, product, or service. SEO, content marketing, banners, PPC, and a following/community are all forms of exposure. Consumers discover a brand, a product, or a service. Consumers start to think about making a purchase at this point. Customer relationship is the follow-up the marketer does to encourage brand loyalty and brand retention after the customer makes a purchase. Successful marketing funnels that are completed result in recurring business and consumer loyalty.
Digital Marketing Goals
A term for the targeted, quantitative, and interactive marketing of goods and services is “digital marketing goals.” To locate and contact consumers, marketing uses digital technologies. help increase brand and client loyalty as well as convert consumers into paying customers. Marketers succeed in achieving their objectives when there is an increase in consumer interaction, brand awareness, and sales.
Google Crawler or Google Bot or Google Spider
An internet bot (automated piece of software) that crawls webpages is referred to as a “crawler.” A systematic programme called a bot is frequently used to index websites. Code is “crawled” by the crawler. Crawlers, often known as “spiders,” are used by Google, a search engine, to find new information and assess the value of webpages for ranking purposes.